miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

UNIT 5 Lesson 2 (5 años)

UNIT 5: (5 años)  APRIL: ROOMS:
Lesson 2Vamos a trabajar en clase:
Saludos: Hello. Hi. How are you? Fine, thank you. 
Hello boys, hello girls.
What day is today? Monday, Tuesday, ...
Date: Today is (Monday,...) the (18th)  of (February..)
Normas de clase: sit down properly, stand up, be quiet, raise your hand to speak and wait, pay attention, look at me, listen to me...
House: bedroom - bathroom - kitchen - living room - dining room - garden.
I sleep in the bedroom - I wash my hands in the bathroom - I eat in the kitchen - I watch TV in the living room - I eat in the dining room - I play in the garden.

I eat in the kitchen 
I sleep in the bedroom

I watch TV in the living room
I play in the garden 
I wash my hands in the bathroom