lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

UNIT 1 Lesson 1 (5 años)

5 años:
Lesson 1: Vamos a trabajar en clase:

Saludos: Hello. Hi. How are you? Fine, thank you. 
Hello boys, hello girls.
What day is today? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. 
What's the weather like? It's sunny and hot / It's cloudy / It's rainy.

Normas de clase: sit down properly, stand up, be quiet, raise your hand to speak and wait, pay attention, look at me, listen to me...

My body: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, arms, hands, fingers, legs, 
feet (1 foot), toes, 
What are these? The arms,...
What's this? The nose,...
Move your arms,...


What's the matter?
My hand hurts me...

Hablamos sobre nuestro cuerpo:
I have got two eyes, two ears, one nose and one mouth.
I have got two arms, two hands and ten fingers.
I have got two legs, two feet and ten toes.


1.- How many fingers do you have?:

2.- Head, shoulders, knees and toes:

3.- One little finger:

4.- Open, close:

5.- Can you play the drums?: